Highly qualified training staff from Australia and the local region, alongside RedR Australia’s partners Real Response, will prepare humanitarians and professionals for challenging, insecure and hostile environments through its rigorous classroom and simulation training.
Like the majority of RedR Training, the HEAT course offers face-to face scenario based training, bringing participants as close to realism as possible.
Mark Tell, RedR Australia Training Manager says Jordan is located in the centre of many current humanitarian crises and the location makes it much easier for more people in the region to access this training.
“Being able to bring this course 13,500 kms right onto the doorstep of many humanitarian workers, means that RedR Australia can deliver this training to a wider audience, and more cost effectively for participants.”
Kirsten Sayers, RedR Australia CEO says the new location for this course provides additional support for those people located in the region to prepare and respond to humanitarian crisis.
“The challenges in responding to humanitarian crises around the world are constantly changing. At RedR Australia, our high quality training, now in both Australia and Jordan, ensures that humanitarian workers are suitably equipped and prepared to deal with these challenges.”
The next HEAT training course to take place in Amman, Jordan is on 7-10 March 2021. Click here for more information.