About Us
Who We Are

About RedR Australia

RedR Australia is a leading international humanitarian response agency that selects, trains and deploys technical specialists.

RedR Australia was founded with a strong vision—to deploy humanitarian experts during international crises and help alleviate suffering. Today, RedR Australia provides skilled people and training to support communities around the world affected by crisis conflict.

RedR Australia maintains a roster of more than 1,230 technical specialists across a range of skill profiles including disaster risk reduction, emergency preparedness, recovery and stabilisation activities in times of need.

With the world facing more frequent and severe crises, we also run training courses to help grow a new generation of experts who can effectively respond in emergencies.

With more than 30 years’ experience in sourcing high-quality talent for the humanitarian and development sectors, RedR Australia is an expert in swift and effective recruitment. We provide tailored recruitment services to support organisations working in the humanitarian, development, disaster resilience and peacebuilding sectors.

RedR Australia is a Standby Partner to 16 United Nations agencies or entities, as well as other front line relief agencies and local governments. During a humanitarian crisis, a global network of Standby Partner organisations provides additional support to UN response efforts. RedR Australia is the only Standby Partner to the UN in the southern hemisphere.

Our specialists also help to share capacity and grow resilience in the region through our disaster preparedness training activities and strategic collaboration with National Disaster Management Offices throughout the Asia Pacific.

Read more about our vision, purpose and mission, and our strategic goals in the RedR Australia Strategy 2024-27.

Our Affiliations

RedR Australia is a signatory to the Australian Council for International Development Code of Conduct which defines minimum standards of governance, management and accountability for non-government aid agencies. For more information about the code, including how to lodge a complaint for breach of the Code, please visit the ACFID website.
RedR Australia is a member of RedR International, a federated network of offices sharing a common vision of a world in which sufficient competent and committed personnel are available and responding to humanitarian needs.

Climate Change

RedR Australia is committed to environmental and social governance of both people and the planet in our work before, during and after crises and conflicts. RedR Australia understands the challenges posed by climate change and is striving to be a part of the environmental solution. We work with partners on environmental sustainability and disaster risk reduction, and alongside sovereign governments and multilateral agencies to strengthen mitigation systems, inclusion, and sustainability.

Reconciliation Action Plan

Our vision for reconciliation is to live in an Australia that embraces recognition, deep listening, and respect among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and non-Indigenous Australians. Our 2024 Reflect Reconciliation Plan, endorsed by Reconciliation Australia, reflects our commitment to take meaningful action, ensuring that our workplace is inclusive, diverse, and culturally safe.

…Our people repair and rebuild infrastructure, coordinate response efforts and public communications, map and track relief activities, assist in the prevention of gender-based violence and manage the movement of essential supplies…
Our History
RedR Australia was established in 1992 by engineer Jeff Dobel, who called on his peers to apply their skills to disaster relief. Jeff's vision, to deploy engineers to support disaster-affected communities during international crisis, was realised with support from our four founding bodies: Engineers Australia, Institute of Public Works Engineering Australasia (IPWEA), Consult Australia and Professionals Australia.
Our Founding Bodies
Engineers Australia

Engineers Australia represents the largest and most diverse body of engineers in Australia with 100,000 professional members at every level and across all fields of practice.

The Institute of Public Works Engineering Australasia (IPWEA) is the professional organisation providing member services and advocacy for those involved in and delivering public works and engineering services to the community both in Australia and New Zealand. 
Consult Australia

Consult Australia is the industry association for consulting companies in the built environment sector, including engineers, architects, project managers, planners, environmental scientists and quantity surveyors, among others.

Looking to the Future
International Vision

A world in which sufficient, competent, committed personnel are available and responding to humanitarian needs.

Our Purpose

To facilitate a world where all communities and individuals are protected and resilient in the face of crises and conflicts.

Our Mission

To share capacity and learning through skilled professionals to address the needs of all communities across the span of crises and conflict.