RedR Australia has a pool of highly skilled Associate Trainers and Volunteers, with thousands of hours experience in the humanitarian sector.
They are based in more than 20 countries, and speak a variety of languages.
We provide a customised humanitarian focused training service, where we develop specialised content, or tailor our existing content for your organisation's training objectives upon request. We have provided specialised training courses, lectures, and presentations for many organisations working in the humanitarian sector, or emergency response, drawing upon the wealth of expertise of our in-house training team and associate trainers.
Our training program is expanding as we regularly review and refine our courses and develop new courses that address current humanitarian concerns and challenges. Please visit our 'Training Courses' section to get an idea of some of the content we can tailor specifically for your organisation.
RedR Australia works closely with the client to clearly understand their needs, and ensure that the required learning outcomes for the participants are achieved
If the training course you require is not listed, please contact us at [email protected] .
Clients who have trained with us
- AHA Centre - ASEAN Coordinating Centre for Humanitarian Assistance on Disaster Management
- Australian Broadcasting Corporation
- Australian Civil Military Centre
- Australian Federal Police
- Act for Peace
- Architects without Borders
- AusAID
- AusMAT (Australian Medical Assistance Team) Western Australia and Northern Territory
- Australian Defence Force
- Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
- Baptist World Aid
- Caritas
- Centre of Excellence – Disaster Management and Humanitarian Assistance
- Charles Darwin University
- Child Fund Australia
- Deakin University
- Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe
- Disaster Relief Australia (previously Team Rubicon)
- ECPAT International
- Engineers Without Borders
- International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
- James Cook University (Public Health)
- Legal Action Worldwide (LAW)
- Melbourne University
- Mission Aviation Fellowship
- Nordic International Support Foundation
- Nossal Institute
- Oxfam Australia
- Plan International
- Relief International
- RMIT University
- Save the Children
- Scope Global
- Singapore International Foundation Conference
- Tear Fund
- The Alfred
- UNHCR eCentre
- University of Melbourne
- University of New South Wales
- University of Sydney (Public Health)
- University of Western Sydney
- Vanuatu National Disaster Management Office
- Victorian Department of Health and Human Services
- VIDA (Volunteering for International Development from Australia)
- World Vision Australia