RedR Australia staff and Board members taking part in HNPW 2024.
21 May 2024
Humanitarian Networks and Partnerships Weeks HNPW 2024 (29 April - 10 May 2024)

In early May, RedR Australia sent five team members to join the conversation and share knowledge with sector peers at HNPW; speaking at two panels, hosting our own session and networking at a dedicated RedR Australia booth. It added up to be a very busy and rewarding week. 

Every year the Humanitarian Networks and Partnerships Weeks are held online and in person in Geneva. More than 60 humanitarian organisations hold their meetings at the event as well as hosting plenary sessions and joint panels covering the nine ‘Areas of Common Concern’ for inter-network collaboration.  

These are: 1) Accountability to Affected Population, 2) Anticipatory Action, 3) Climate Crisis, 4) Emergency Response in a Pandemic, 5) Inclusion, 6) Integrating Security Risk Management in Humanitarian Action, 7) Localisation, 8) Nexus, and 9) Organisational Culture and Power Relations. 

RedR Australia Session. A conversation between humanitarians: discussing localisation and inclusion in disaster management

Dr. Helen Durham, CEO of RedR Australia, and Talei Tora, a distinguished humanitarian and RedR Australia roster member hailing from the Pacific, hosted an engaging session on Thursday 9 May. Watch the recording here. 

The session delves into localisation and inclusion within the context of the whole disaster cycle in the Pacific region. Reflecting on the thoughts and convictions of some of our Pacific colleagues on the importance of sovereignty when working with international actors during the disaster cycle. The session includes commentary from Pacific-based humanitarians and questions from the audience.  

Advancing Disability Inclusion in Post-Crisis Recovery 

Additionally, Talei Tora was a part of the Advancing disability inclusion in post crisis recovery, representing UN Women Pacific on behalf of the Women’s Resilience to Disasters (WRD) program. The session facilitated a high-level discussion on best practice for disability inclusion, including challenges and recent success stories. The approaches were primarily centered around post disaster and addressed the need for constant engagement and consultation.

Talei Tora (second from the left) as part of the panel at HNPW, May 2024.

Community engagement through triple nexus

RedR Australia Director Jenny Lee was invited to share her experiences and learning from her time working in Fiji and the Pacific throughout this important session. Jenny spoke about the RedR Australia footprint and engagement strategy in the region which is continually informed by our relationships and MEAL reporting. She was sharing the floor with other notable panellists - Melindi Malan, OCHA, Sergio Triana E., UNDP and Viviana Mojica Aurelio, UNITAR. 

Jenny Lee (second from the right) as part of the panel at HNPW, May 2024.